The Relation between Queen Lily and Imu-sama

 Theory: The Connection Between Nefertari D. Lily and Imu in One Piece

Recent incidents in the One Piece storyline have hinted at a possible connection between Nefertari D. Lily, the deceased former queen of Alabasta, and Imu, the mysterious figure who holds the highest authority in the world. While the evidence is scarce, piecing together the available information suggests a compelling theory about their relationship and its implications for the overarching story.

1. The D. Bloodline:

One of the most significant aspects of this theory revolves around the "D." initial shared by several characters throughout the One Piece world. It is believed to represent the will of the ancient kingdom that once stood against the World Government. This bloodline has had a profound impact on the world's history, with characters like Monkey D. Luffy and Gol D. Roger playing pivotal roles.

2. Nefertari D. Lily's Legacy:

Nefertari D. Lily, despite being a lesser-known character, was a member of the Nefertari family—the ruling family of Alabasta. The name "D." hidden in her middle name suggests a connection to the will of the ancient kingdom. However, the exact nature of her involvement and significance remains largely unknown.

3. The Secrets of Mariejois:

Mariejois, the Holy Land and capital of the World Government, holds many secrets that have yet to be fully revealed. Imu, who resides at the highest level of power in Mariejois, is seemingly aware of these secrets and has the authority to shape the world's destiny. Imu's presence suggests a direct connection to the void century and the enigmatic events that took place during that era.

4. The Poneglyphs and Ancient History:

The Poneglyphs, ancient stone tablets with inscriptions detailing the world's lost history, have been a recurring theme in One Piece. These artifacts provide clues about the void century and the events leading up to it. It is reasonable to assume that Nefertari D. Lily might possess vital knowledge or a hidden Poneglyph related to the ancient kingdom, possibly passed down through generations within the Nefertari family.

5. Imu's Interest in the Ancient Kingdom:

Given Imu's knowledge of the void century and the power they wield, it is plausible that they seek to maintain control over the secrets buried in history. Imu's interest in Nefertari D. Lily, possibly due to her bloodline and knowledge, might have prompted the World Government to target her or her descendants.

6. The Importance of Alabasta:

Alabasta, the desert kingdom ruled by the Nefertari family, has played a significant role in the One Piece storyline. Its connection to the Poneglyphs and the ancient kingdom makes it a crucial piece of the puzzle. If Nefertari D. Lily possessed vital information or a hidden Poneglyph, Alabasta becomes a prime target for both the World Government and those seeking to uncover the truth.

7. The Clash of Forces:

As the story progresses, it is reasonable to anticipate a clash between the forces seeking to uphold the World Government's control and those fighting for freedom and the revelation of the ancient kingdom's truth. Nefertari D. Lily's lineage, combined with Imu's power and influence, could ignite a conflict that brings the hidden secrets of the void century to light, potentially shaking the foundations of the One Piece world.

While this theory about Nefertari D. Lily and Imu is speculative, the evidence from recent One Piece incidents suggests a deeper connection between these characters. As the story unfolds, more revelations may shed light on their relationship and their roles in uncovering the truth behind the void century and the D. family.
