In the world of One Piece, Devil Fruit abilities are known to grant their users unique and powerful abilities. One such Devil Fruit user is Jewelry Bonney also known as Big Eater, a member of the Worst Generation. While not much is known about her Devil Fruit ability,But there's no confusion that she possesses the power to manipulate age and potentially reverse the effects of aging. This theory explores the possibility that Jewelry Bonney's Devil Fruit power could be used to restore Monkey D. Garp, the legendary Marine, to his prime.
Jewelry Bonney's Age Manipulation
Based on all the information revealed about her Age-Age devil fruit (Jida Jida No Mi), it is confirmed that Jewelry Bonney's Devil Fruit power allows her to manipulate age. She has demonstrated the ability to alter her own age, making herself appear both younger and older. She even manipulated Navy soldiers at Saboady Arc by turning them to kid or oldman,This refers that she has the potential to affect the age of others as well.
Turning Garp back to his prime
Monkey D. Garp, a renowned Marine Vice Admiral, has long since passed his prime and now resides in a state of advanced age. While still formidable, Garp's skills and physical abilities have inevitably declined over time. However, his combat prowess in his prime was legendary, and many believe that returning him to that state would be a tremendous advantage.
Reverse Aging
If Jewelry Bonney possesses the ability to reverse aging, it stands to reason that she may be able to restore individuals to their prime physical condition. By utilizing her Devil Fruit power, Bonney could potentially reverse the effects of aging on Garp, rejuvenating his body and returning him to the peak of his strength.
Certain Restrictions
While the theory suggests that Bonney's power could restore Garp to his prime, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations and challenges. Devil Fruit abilities often come with restrictions, and the exact extent of Bonney's powers remains unknown. It is possible that her ability to reverse aging may have limitations, such as a time limit or the inability to fully restore someone beyond a certain point.
Additionally, even if Bonney possesses the power to restore Garp to his prime, convincing him to accept such a transformation may prove difficult. Garp, known for his strong sense of honor and duty, might be hesitant to artificially regain his youth and strength. The moral and philosophical implications of tampering with the natural course of aging could also factor into this decision.
In conclusion, it is an intriguing possibility that Jewelry Bonney's Devil Fruit power could be utilized to return Monkey D. Garp to his prime. However, due to the limited information available about Bonney's abilities and the potential challenges surrounding such a transformation, this theory remains speculative. Only further exploration within the One Piece storyline will reveal the true extent of Bonney's powers and whether Garp's prime can be restored.